Genealogy Educational Opportunities
BGS offering several courses, workshops, seminars, and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to support members’ interests in specific genealogical topics. Also, we occasionally offer classes, workshops, and seminars, which will be open to the public. Please feel free to send an email to the Instructor, Leader, or Facilitator if you need more information about a specific educational event.
If you are interested in becoming a member of BGS, please click here to join.

Free Classes thought Colorado Genealogy Society:
The Colorado Genealogy Society (CSG) offers free classes on an ongoing bases. These free classes that are open to the public and presented by Carol Darrow. Click the links for registration or more information regarding these classes.
- Genealogy 101
When: Usually, 2nd Saturday of the month, 10:00 a.m. to noon (Mountain)
Where: Virtual Zoom Meeting - WriteNow! Meeting
A Free Writing Group for Family Historians
Facilitator: Carol Darrow
When: Generally, 2nd Sunday September – May, 1:30 – 3:30 pm (Mountain)
Where: All meetings on Zoom until further notice - Additionally, The CGS is the largest genealogical society in Colorado and they offer numerous events besides classes. For their events, go to the Events page on their Homepage.
For one of the most complete, entirely free, online calendar of genealogy conferences & events, check out