Events – Program Archive

February 23* @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm MST
“I Have a Civil War Ancestor… Now What?”
Presented by Brian Rhinehart
Civil War soldiers often left a rich genealogical paper trail. Many of these records are tucked away at the National Archives in Washington DC. Learn what records are available for your ancestors only at the National Archives, what records are online already, and how to access all of them. These records may unlock some of the family stories that have been forgotten over time, as well as break down a brick wall or two!
SPEAKER BIO: Brian Rhinehart is a professional genealogist and speaker and is the owner of He is a graduate of Boston University’s Certificate of Genealogy Research and his work has been featured in the PBS television show “Finding Your Roots.” A direct descendant of six Civil War soldiers, Brian specializes in research and record retrieval for Civil War and War of 1812 soldiers at the National Archives in Washington DC and has retrieved military files for hundreds of clients there.
Feel free to visit his websites:
Civil War Records – Record Retrieval and Research at the National Archives
We go to DC so you don’t have to!
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(*PLEASE NOTE: Due to Monday being National Holiday, we will be meeting on THURSDAY, February 23)

March 20 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm MDT
“What’s New in DNA Testing for Genealogy in 2023″
Presented by Greg Liverman
DNA testing databases continue to grow as the testing companies roll out new features. This presentation will cover features that have been introduced in DNA testing during the past year at each of the major testing companies with a focus on Ancestry and FTDNA. Topics will include FamilyTree Discover™ which provides context for Y-DNA results, AncestryDNA SideView™ which parses ethnicity and matches by parent, and a suite of tools related to records, family trees and photos from MyHeritage.
Plan to attend and have your questions ready for Greg!
- PhD in Chemistry
- Former TV journalist for KPRC-TV, Houston
- Large scale project/program manager with global IT firms
- Numerous genealogy conferences and institutes including Advanced Genetic Genealogy and
Fundamentals of Forensic Genealogy - Extensive experience using DNA tests for genealogy and to locate missing persons, etc.
- Member Association of Professional Genealogists, National Genealogical Society, Colorado
- Genealogical Society, Pikes Peak Genealogical Society, Jewish Genealogical Society of Colorado
Feel free to visit his website,