Genealogical Resources for Young People

This youth resource page came at the suggestion of a local Broomfield Boy Scout, Carter, who was working on his Genealogy Merit Badge in 2022. He asked if we could add a resource which he found useful when working on his badge to our genealogical resource page.  Therefore, this section of resources is devoted to genealogical links for youth and children, thanks to Carter.  

NOTE: Carter’s resource link (the first) that he found useful is here along with others that may be of interest to young people and kids.

How to start your genealogy or family history quest...

As a young person starting out on their genealogy or family history journey, you are probably wondering where to start?  The following is a list of suggested starting places:

In addition to the list above,another great place to start is by checking out the Getting Started resources at the National Genealogical Society’s (NGS) Getting Started page.