BGS Volunteer Opportunities

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Broomfield Genealogy Society is an ALL volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and runs on members volunteering to be Officers, Board Members, Committee Chairs, Special Interest Group Leads, etc.  Please look over the list of volunteer positions below and let any of the Officers or other appropriate Chairperson know you are interested in volunteering.  The Society’s volunteer position requires anything from an hour or two a month to several hours per depending on the position.  And in the case of shared responsibilities, the time commitment can be even less. 


Please consider volunteering and share your knowledge and skill by
giving back to your Society and the Community.

Be a Leader in the Society

Our genealogy society is made up of volunteer officers, committee chairs, and leads.  You can run for an office among the officers or volunteer for a committee or lead. Either one will give you an opportunity to bring more prominence to society and to let other genealogists know about the group and what it can do for them.

Teach a Genealogy Class or Lead a Workshop 

If you are good at genealogy, you can volunteer to teach a class or conduct a hands-on workshop. You can teach/lead a beginning, intermediate, or advanced genealogy class/workshop, or give instruction on other topics like how to use,, Find-A-Grave, etc.  If interested in conducting a class or workshop, please contact the Activities Chair to work out the details.

Organize Genealogical Field Trips for Members

Work with the Activities Chair to arrange an outing to a local library, archives, museum, cemetery, etc., to learn about its genealogical resources, historical materials, or history.  You will act as the leader and organizer of the trip, along with arranging for a “tour guide”, unless you have the expertise to be the guide.

Lead a Special Interest Group (SIG)

Are you researching your Pennsylvania Dutch ancestors, or Civil War ancestors, or Mayflower descendants, or maybe what life was like as an immigrant on a ship to the new world.  And you would like to confer with others on the topic and see what they have learned.  Then leading and/or participating in a Society-sponsored SIG would be the ticket!  Please contact the Society’s President with your genealogical interest in joining or forming a SIG.

Blog About Your Genealogical Adventures

No one can tell the story of your own genealogical quest better than you.  Blog about your journey and others may learn new research techniques from your story.  You can also blog about genealogy resources, tools, hints, and tips that are of general use and interest to other genealogists.  Contact the Society’s Webmaster with your interest and they will help you get started blogging.

Other Society Volunteer Needs

Everyone has one or more talents, skills, and knowledge that our Society could use to help grow.  Look over the list below and see if one of your talents, skills, or knowledge could assist:

  • Copy Editor – Assist Webmaster, Social Media and Newsletter Editor in the process of revising written material (copy) to improve readability and fitness, as well as ensuring that a text is free of grammatical, etc.
  • Audio/Visual Technician – Assist the Society with A/V equipment transportation and setup, monitoring virtual meeting, changing active camera, and tear-down of A/V equipment and storage.
  • Photographer / Videographer – Assist Society with the capturing, producing and editing video / photo content for Society’s marketing efforts for use on various platforms (social media, digital media, and etc.) and the archiving of events.
  • Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) – Do you have experience with Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest? We are seeking people to join our Social Media Committee. Your primary responsibilities will include working with our Publicity Chair and Web Content Editor to develop social media posts and implement a broader marketing strategy.
  • Newsletter Editor / Assistant Editor / Reviewer – 
  • Webmaster / Assistant Webmaster – Assisting the Society in updating and maintaining the BGS websites, supporting and training webmasters, membership and bloggers, and ensuring that our websites are following and maintaining accessibility requirements and guidelines.
  • Membership Assistant – Assist the Membership Chair, learn the membership process and how to keep the membership database up to date; 
  • Treasurer Assistant – Assist in collecting and processing dues during monthly Society meetings or payments for special events.
  • Blog Writer – Volunteers are needed to help write blog posts. You will be responsible for writing 1-2 blog posts per month according to a pre-determined procedure. Topics may include:  <list>

Membership & Meetings

  • Welcome members and guests when they arrive at the meeting. Help members register, introduce guests to other members, respond to questions on BGS.  Assist members with the check-in process, introduce members and guests to other members, answer questions about BGS.
  • Help the Membership Chair, learn the membership process, and how to maintain the membership database.
  • Assists the Treasurer in collecting and processing dues during monthly Society meetings or payments for special events.


  • Create educational programs, lead a class, workshop, seminar, or SIG group.
  • Arranges and leads local or regional field trips of interest to Society members.

Public Relations & Community Outreach

  • Create brochures, posters, and signage for Society events.
  • Send press releases to local news sources, libraries, and other genealogy societies.
  • Maintain the BGS Facebook page.
  • Promote BGS through community activities and help with setting up tables and signs, and speak at community meetings.

Society Meetings (Monthly)

  • Assist with set-up / take-down of the meeting room.
  • Provide audio-visual assistance at monthly meetings.
  • Prepare snacks and drinks.