Join or Renew Your Membership

BGS Membership annual dues are due in February each year and are good for the calendar year. However, you may join at any time. To provide uninterrupted service, members are notified prior to their membership expiration date. BGS does not automatically renew memberships nor will we ever sell your information. Membership dues are non-refundable.  Benefits of membership can be seen here.

New Member- Ready to Join?

If you’re ready to become a member of the Broomfield Genealogy Society, there are two ways to join:

  • Join Online – By selecting a membership level, and then completing the online registration form and payment with credit card or PayPal.
  • Join by Mail – By completing the Membership Enrollment Form and mail it along with your dues payment check.

Membership Options

  • $30 – Individual Membership
  • $35 – Family Membership (Primary and any additional family members residing at the same address.
  • $100 – Contributing Membership
  • $250 – Sustaining Membership
  • $10 – Student Membership

EXISTING member- Ready to Renew Membership!

For existing members, you may also renew online or by mail with a check for dues payment. To renew your membership on-line, you will need to log-in to your BGS member account. Instructions for renewing online are on the login page for your convenience.