Broomfield Genealogy Society Documents
This page contains links to Society documents. They are published here in the Members-Only section so that members may view them.
DEFINITION (taken from the Foundations Group): Governing document for a non-profit organization that establishes and outlines the purpose of the organization and its governing structure. They also include policies, practices, authority, and directives for compliance, ongoing oversight, and successful operations of the organization. The bylaws of an exempt qualifying organization should state the following:
- Purpose of the organization
- Location of offices or operations
- Governing Structure
- Number of governing members and selection/election/removal of same
- Terms of service for governing members
- Qualifications for those serving to govern the organization
- Methods of conducting business/ Policy Statements
- Meeting times/dates (should meet at least annually)
- Limitations of the organization and its governing body
- The fiscal year
Definition of standing rules (taken from Merriam-Webster): the rules of a society or organization for details of its governance. They are created by a majority vote and remain in force until repealed or annulled.
- Broomfield Genealogy Society’s Handbook (TBD) with policies and procedures.
The following BGS forms are available for downloading, and then complete using Adobe Reader or other PDF form completion application:
- Reimbursement / Disbursement Form – Form to submit to Treasurer for reimbursement or disbursement of funds as approved in the annual budget, and/or approved by the Executive Board for expenditures outside of annual budget.
- Membership Enrollment Form – Enrollment form for members that gathers their basic information and their genealogy areas of interest.
- Speaker Agreement Form –
- Speaker Information Form – Form for gathering information on speaker’s presentation, their biography and their photo image.
- Speaker/Program Evaluation Form
- Instructor Agreement Form –
- Class/Workshop/Seminar/Webinar Evaluation Form –
Meeting Minutes
- Board Meeting Minutes (Coming Soon!)
- General Meeting Minutes (Coming Soon!)
Web Policies
- Privacy Policy
- Terns of Use Policy
For other BGS Policies, see the Handbook.
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Documents
The Broomfield Genealogy Society became a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in 2019. As such, the Society had to apply and complete several Federal and State of Colorado incorporation application forms. Those forms are posted here along with their annual reporting reports.
- 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Paper Work
- Federal Identification Number
- Year Filings:
- Federal
- State of Colorado
(Links to 501(c)(3) Documents coming!)
Job Descriptions
Job description definition (taken from Merriam-Webster): an orderly record of the essential activities involved in the performance of a task. It is abstracted from a job analysis and used in classifying and evaluating jobs